Results for 'Claudio Andrés Vera'

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  1.  5
    Unidad y multiplicidad en la psicología de Platón.Claudio Andrés Vera - 2024 - Tópicos 46:e0089.
    El presente trabajo lleva a cabo una interpretación conjunta de dos pasajes del diálogo platónico Teeteto (cf. 182d8-e11; 184d1-5). En específico, busca mostrar el trasfondo temporal que yace a la postura de Platón según la cual es necesario que el agente de percepción cumpla un rol unificante, rol sin el cual la propia experiencia perceptiva no podría ser tal como es. Dicho trasfondo temporal consiste, en un caso (cf. 182d8-e11), en mostrar que las percepciones simultáneas necesitan convergen en un “lugar” (...)
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    Territorios de lo moderno: la recepción de la obra de Emilio Pettoruti y Martín Noel en la Revista de Arte Rodrigo.Andrés Vera Manríquez & Claudio Guerrero Urquiza - 2020 - Aisthesis 68:31-46.
    El texto expone diversos modos de articular las nociones de tradición y modernidad en el arte y la arquitectura según los contenidos aparecidos en el número 11 de la Revista de Arte dedicado a Argentina. El análisis se centra en dos artículos. El primero: “Emilio Pettoruti: brújula de la pintura argentina”, de Leonardo Estarico. El segundo: “América y la nueva arquitectura”, de Martín Noel. Mientras Estarico postula los conceptos de forma y de plástica como territorios universales, Noel establece al continente (...)
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    Conditions affecting the association of general trait-anxiety with the ERN-Ne.Vera Scheuble, Fee-Elisabeth Bertram & André Beauducel - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The ERN-Ne of the event-related potential indicates error monitoring. Even though enlarged ERN-Ne amplitudes have often been related to higher anxiety scores, a recent meta-analysis provided very small effect sizes for the association of trait-anxiety with the ERN-Ne. Conditions modulating this association were investigated in the present study: The generality of the trait-anxiety factor, gender, and experimental conditions, i.e., worry induction and error aversiveness. Participants completed a flanker task. Worries were induced before the task by giving participants a bogus feedback (...)
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    Automatic knowledge learning and case adaptation with a hybrid committee approach.Claudio A. Policastro, Andre C. P. L. F. Carvalho & Alexandre C. B. Delbem - 2006 - Journal of Applied Logic 4 (1):26-38.
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    Pathways of human T lymphocyte development and activation.Andres Alcover, Claudio Milanese & Ellis L. Reinherz - 1986 - Bioessays 4 (6):259-264.
    The T lymphocyte receptor for antigen, which operates in conjunction with gene products of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), is a molecular complex comprised of five polypeptide chains. Both the 49 kDa alpha and 43 kDa beta chains are immunoglobulin‐like and thus contain variable domains responsible for ligand binding. In contrast, the 20–25 kDa T3 gamma, delta and epsilon chains are monomorphic structures presumably involved in transmembrane signalling. The alpha and beta subunits are disulfide bonded to each other and held (...)
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    Donación y trasplante de órganos: un análisis jurídico y bioético en el contexto moderno.Mauro Andrés Calle Palacios, Ricardo Agustín Alarcón Vélez & Claudio Esteban Bravo Pesantez - 2024 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 5 (10):e240176.
    La donación y el trasplante de órganos representan avances médicos cruciales, pero plantean importantes desafíos jurídicos y bioéticos. Este artículo examina la interacción entre el derecho y la bioética en la regulación de estas prácticas, abordando el problema de cómo garantizar un acceso justo y ético a los órganos, respetando la autonomía y dignidad humana. El objetivo es analizar los marcos legales y los principios bioéticos que subyacen a la donación y el trasplante, destacando su impacto en la práctica médica (...)
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    Adaptation and Validation of the School Climate and School Identification Measure-Student Scale (SCASIM-St) in a Sample of Chilean Adolescents.José Luis Gálvez-Nieto, Daniela Vera-Bachmann, Ítalo Trizano-Hermosilla, Karina Polanco-Levican & Claudio Briceño-Olivera - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    El papel de la filosofía de la educación en la formación inicial docente: tensiones entre el discurso y la Praxis.Andrés Santa-María, Claudio Tapia Figueroa & Lorena Zuchel - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (2):19-38.
    Resumen En este artículo se examina el papel de la enseñanza de la filosofía de la educación en la formación inicial docente, tomando como punto de partida la tensión que es posible notar entre, por un lado, el discurso de la mayoría de las facultades encargadas de preparar profesores, que rescatan la necesidad de formar docentes críticos y reflexivos, y, por otro lado, la praxis de la formación docente que parece tener un acento marcadamente técnico. Ante este escenario, se argumenta (...)
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    A construção de saberes profissionais.Leonardo André Testoni & Vera Maria Nigro de Souza Placco - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 28:36-52.
    O contexto da educação básica brasileira caracteriza-se, de modo geral, na atuação de docentes com descompassos formativos, que ministram aulas de diversas disciplinas, no caso dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental, ou que lecionam disciplinas diversas de sua área de formação, no caso das séries finais e ensino médio. Nessa linha, diversos estudos apontam para a evidência de lacunas e imprecisões conceituais no planejamento de intervenções didáticas, devido ao precário desenvolvimento profissional. Desse modo, o presente artigo traz uma revisão teórica (...)
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    Internalismo E não-cognitivismo em ética.Gilson Diana, André Cerri & Cláudio Reis - 2003 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 8 (2).
    Este texto tem a intenção de percorrer panoramicamente alguns pontos de referência importantes no debate contemporâneo sobre o problema da motivação moral no contexto da discussão entre posições cognitivistas e não-cognitivistas em ética. A idéia básica é a de que o não-cognitivismo encontrou tradicionalmente um apoio importante nos argumentos internalistas, os quais, por sua vez, retiram sua força da percepção comum de que as considerações morais não são inertes, ou seja, possuem, em algum sentido, uma capacidade motivadora que dificilmente podemos (...)
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    Differential Predictive Effect of Self-Regulation Behavior and the Combination of Self- vs. External Regulation Behavior on Executive Dysfunctions and Emotion Regulation Difficulties, in University Students.Jesús de la Fuente, José Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Mónica Pachón-Basallo, Francisco Javier Peralta-Sánchez, Manuel Mariano Vera-Martínez & Magdalena P. Andrés-Romero - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:876292.
    The aim of this research was to establish linear relations (association and prediction) and inferential relations between three constructs at different levels of psychological research –executive dysfunction(microanalysis),self-regulation(molecular level), andself-vs.external regulation(molar level), in the prediction of emotion regulation difficulties. We hypothesized that personal and contextual regulatory factors would be negatively related to levels of executive dysfunction and emotion regulation difficulties; by way of complement, non-regulatory and dysregulatory personal, and contextual factors would be positively related to these same difficulties. To establish relationships, (...)
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    Directional Local Field Potentials in the Subthalamic Nucleus During Deep Brain Implantation of Parkinson’s Disease Patients.T. A. Khoa Nguyen, Michael Schüpbach, André Mercanzini, Alain Dransart & Claudio Pollo - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Cross-national measurement invariance of the Purpose in Life Test in seven Latin American countries.Tomás Caycho-Rodríguez, Lindsey W. Vilca, Mauricio Cervigni, Miguel Gallegos, Pablo Martino, Manuel Calandra, Cesar Armando Rey Anacona, Claudio López-Calle, Rodrigo Moreta-Herrera, Edgardo René Chacón-Andrade, Marlon Elías Lobos-Rivera, Perla del Carpio, Yazmín Quintero, Erika Robles, Macerlo Panza Lombardo, Olivia Gamarra Recalde, Andrés Buschiazzo Figares, Michael White & Carmen Burgos-Videla - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The Purpose in Life Test is a measure of purpose in life widely used in many cultures and countries; however, cross-cultural assessments are scarce. The present study aimed to evaluate the cross-cultural measurement invariance of the PIL in the general population of seven Latin American countries. A total of 4306 people participated, selected by non-probabilistic convenience sampling, where Uruguay has the highest mean age ; while Ecuador has the lowest mean age. Furthermore, in each country, there is a higher proportion (...)
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    Altered Interoceptive Awareness in High Habitual Symptom Reporters and Patients With Somatoform Disorders.Tabea Flasinski, Angelika Margarete Dierolf, Silke Rost, Annika P. C. Lutz, Ulrich Voderholzer, Stefan Koch, Michael Bach, Carina Asenstorfer, Eva Elisabeth Münch, Vera-Christina Mertens, Claus Vögele & André Schulz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Health mental services within educational process.Ximena Cecilia Macaya Sandoval, Claudio Enrique Bustos Navarrete, Silverio Segundo Torres Pérez, Pablo Andrés Vergara-Barra & Benjamín de la Cruz Vicente Parada - 2019 - Humanidades Médicas 19 (1):47-64.
    RESUMEN Introducción: Son escasos los servicios en salud mental dentro del contexto escolar que permitan una integración intersectorial para superar la brecha de falta de asistencia en salud mental en la población infanto - juvenil, aun cuando, es en la escuela donde se detectan mayoritariamente los problemas de salud mental. Objetivo: Comentar el uso de servicios de salud mental en el ambiente escolar en relación con los trastornos mentales y trastornos subumbrales. Método: El presente resultado se obtiene a partir del (...)
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    Poética emergente: la enunciación lírica en la poesía de Américo Reyes Vera.Claudio Godoy Arenas & Horacio Simunovic Díaz - 2023 - Logos Revista de Lingüística Filosofía y Literatura 33 (1).
    El ensayo que sigue se interesa por mostrar algunas de las características más vistosas de la configuración enunciativa de la poesía de Américo Reyes Vera, a través de la lectura de sus dos de sus obras Los poemas plumaveral (1992) y Que los cuerpos cumplan su destino (2012). Para ello, se pone atención en la manera en que el sujeto de enunciación lírica se sitúa frente a su lector esperado y también se busca definir la relación en que la (...)
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    Contribuições À Educação Técnico-Científica Em Heisenberg e Heidegger.Paulo Rogério Garcez de Moura, André Luís Silva da Silva, Diogo Onofre Gomes de Souza & José Cláudio Del Pino - 2013 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 20:179-199.
    Apresentaremos as possíveis aplicações pedagógicas das suas reflexões, como a utilização da imprecisão científica de Heisenberg e da concepção de técnica em Heidegger, a partir da análise histórico-filosófica dos seus escritos, tomando-os como fundamentação a necessária e significativa melhoria da educação técnico-científica.
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    Self-Managed 5G Networks 1.Jorge Martín-Pérez, Lina Magoula, Kiril Antevski, Carlos Guimarães, Jorge Baranda, Carla Fabiana Chiasserini, Andrea Sgambelluri, Chrysa Papagianni, Andrés García-Saavedra, Ricardo Martínez, Francesco Paolucci, Sokratis Barmpounakis, Luca Valcarenghi, Claudio EttoreCasetti, Xi Li, Carlos J. Bernardos, Danny De Vleeschauwer, Koen De Schepper, Panagiotis Kontopoulos, Nikolaos Koursioumpas, Corrado Puligheddu, Josep Mangues-Bafalluy & Engin Zeydan - 2021 - In Ahmad Alnafessah, Gabriele Russo Russo, Valeria Cardellini, Giuliano Casale & Francesco Lo Presti (eds.), Communication Networks and Service Management in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Wiley. pp. 69-100.
    Meeting 5G high bandwidth rates, ultra-low latencies, and high reliabilities requires of network infrastructures that automatically increase/decrease the resources based on their customers’ demand. An autonomous and dynamic management of a 5G network infrastructure represents a challenge, as any solution must account for the radio access network, data plane traffic, wavelength allocation, network slicing, and network functions’ orchestration. Furthermore, federation among administrative domains (ADs) must be considered in the network management. Given the increased dynamicity of 5G networks, artificial intelligence/machine learning (...)
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    JAUME, Andrés Luis: Educación, Ciudadanía y Libertad, Sapere Aude, Asturias, 2019, 138p.Pablo Vera Vega - 2021 - Agora 41 (1).
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    Bioderecho: entre la vida y la muerte.Andrés Ollero - 2006 - Cizur menor, Navarra: Thomson/Aranzadi.
    La bioética ha cobrado autonomía académica y difusión social, al abordar los problemas relacionados con el origen y final de la vida humana y las exigencias morales derivadas de su protección. Su repercusión sobre el derecho plantea exigencias específicas, relacionadas con el aborto, la posibilidad de disponer para unos u otros fines de embriones humanos o la eutanasia. Ha surgido así el bioderecho, que se verá urgido por la biopolítica, para que le sirva de instrumento convirtiendo en socialmente normales determinados (...)
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    Umbrales y prototipos: Introducción a la discusión en torno a los estándares de prueba.Andrés Páez - 2016 - Discusiones 18 (2):7-21.
    There are several approaches to the way in which standards of proof in law should be understood. In the central article in this issue, Rodrigo Coloma suggests that they should be conceived either as thresholds either as prototypes. He also offers a taxonomy of the different uses of standards of proof, which transcends their function as error distributors. In their comments on the paper, Raymundo Gama and Claudio Agüero clarify and challenge this way of understanding standards of proof. Some (...)
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    Traços da fenomenologia de Max Scheler na obra de Lima Vaz.André Damasceno Barbosa & Nilo Ribeiro Junior - 2023 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 32 (64):185-212.
    O artigo visa identificar traços da fenomenologia de Max Scheler na obra de Henrique Cláudio de Lima Vaz. Pretende-se aprofundar a compreensão do pensamento deste filósofo brasileiro ainda pouco estudado através da aproximação de outras fontes filosóficas implícitas em sua sua escritura ética. No primeiro passo, trata-se de investigar a influência do personalismo moral de Scheler sobre a questão ética em Lima Vaz. No segundo passo, intenciona-se propugnar o ineditismo da Ética filosófica em relação ao pensamento scheleriano graças ao sistema (...)
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  23. The epistemic value of explanation.Andrés Páez - manuscript
    In this paper I defend the idea that there is a sense in which it is meaningful and useful to talk about objective understanding, and that to characterize that notion it is necessary to formulate an account of explanation that makes reference to the beliefs and epistemic goals of the participants in a cognitive enterprise. Using the framework for belief revision developed by Isaac Levi, I analyze the conditions that information must fulfill to be both potentially explanatory and epistemically valuable (...)
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    (2 other versions)Contents.Andrés Villaveces, Roman Kossak, Juha Kontinen & Åsa Hirvonen - 2015 - In Åsa Hirvonen, Juha Kontinen, Roman Kossak & Andrés Villaveces (eds.), Logic Without Borders: Essays on Set Theory, Model Theory, Philosophical Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics. Boston: De Gruyter.
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  25. Consenso: ¿Racionalidad o legitimación?Andrés Ollero Tassara - 1983 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 23:163-182.
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  26. Consideraciones en torno a la ética darwinista.Andrés Thomas - 2010 - Cuadrante Phi.
    Charles Darwin’s theory of species evolution by means of natural selection is known largely because of the impact it had on biology and other natural sciences in general; this is hardly a surprising fact. Thus, it could strike certain readers –those accustomed to a philosophical discourse– as odd to speak of “Darwinian ethics.” However, Darwin’s theory of evolution has not been unknown to other areas and disciplines of thought, philosophy among them. Just as with other ‘destroyers’ of the ideas present (...)
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    Kant, Global Politics and Cosmopolitan Law: The World Republic as a Regulative Idea of Reason.Claudio Corradetti - 2020 - Routledge.
    Why is there so much attention on Kant's global politics in present day law and philosophy? This book argues that to understand the complexities of our current legal-institutional arrangements, we first need an insight into Kant's global politics, and highlights the potential fruitfulness of Kant's cosmopolitan thought for contemporary political thinking. It adopts a double methodological strategy by reconstructing a genealogical conceptual journey showing the development of international law, as well as introducing an interpretation of cosmopolitanism centered on Kant's theory (...)
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    La situación teológica española actual.Melquíades Andrés - 1980 - Salmanticensis 27 (3):353-375.
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    Social and business ethics in the Philippine setting.Tomas Quintin D. Andres - 1998 - Quezon City: Giraffe Books.
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    Should I Stay or Should I Go? In Search of a Duty-free Theory of Political Obligation.Andrés Rosler - 2016 - Polis 33 (2):379-390.
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    Conciencia, sujetos colectivos y praxis transformadoras en el mundo actual.Andrés Piqueras Infante - 1997 - [Madrid?]: Sodepaz.
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    The Impact of Lamarck’s Theory of Evolution Before Darwin’s Theory.Andrés Galera - 2017 - Journal of the History of Biology 50 (1):53-70.
    This paper analyzes the impact that Lamarckian evolutionary theory had in the scientific community during the period between the advent of Zoological Philosophy and the publication Origin of Species. During these 50 years Lamarck’s model was a well known theory and it was discussed by the scientific community as a hypothesis to explain the changing nature of the fossil record throughout the history of Earth. Lamarck’s transmutation theory established the foundation of an evolutionary model introducing a new way to research (...)
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    Finger counting: The missing tool?Michael Andres, Samuel Di Luca & Mauro Pesenti - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (6):642-643.
    Rips et al. claim that the principles underlying the structure of natural numbers cannot be inferred from interactions with the physical world. However, in their target article they failed to consider an important source of interaction: finger counting. Here, we show that finger counting satisfies all the conditions required for allowing the concept of numbers to emerge from sensorimotor experience through a bottom-up process.
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    Chains of end elementary extensions of models of set theory.Andres Villaveces - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (3):1116-1136.
    Large cardinals arising from the existence of arbitrarily long end elementary extension chains over models of set theory are studied here. In particular, we show that the large cardinals obtained in this fashion (`unfoldable cardinals') lie in the boundary of the propositions consistent with `V = L' and the existence of 0 ♯ . We also provide an `embedding characterisation' of the unfoldable cardinals and study their preservation and destruction by various forcing constructions.
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  35. Ha echos ah : he Reflexionen eh und Stiller hi Nachhall ih am Rande rollender ho Donner oh und Spontaner Elektromagnetishcer hu Entladungen uh.Andres Bosshard - 2013 - In Clemens Bellut (ed.), Unbestimmt: ein gestalterischer und philosophischer Reflexionsbegriff. Zürich: Lars Müller Publishers.
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    La reflexión moral kantiana y el problema del conflicto de deberes.Andrés Crelier - 2013 - Praxis Filosófica 33:11-32.
    El trabajo propone una reflexión sobre el problema de los conflictos de deberes en el marco de la filosofía moral kantiana. En primer lugar, se sostiene que la formalidad y generalidad de las normas son condiciones de sentido, lo cual dificulta concebir conflictos de deberes. En segundo lugar, se señala que la necesidad de especificar las normas es otra condición de sentido, lo cual permite pensar los conflictos. En tercer lugar, se sostiene que la conflictividad se puede evitar si las (...)
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  37. Anarkismen, auktoriteten och hierarkin: Ett begreppsligt käbbel.Andrés Garcia - 2023 - Tidskrift För Politisk Filosofi 26 (3).
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    Morceaux du réel. Le concept de critique, de l’origine du drame baroque allemand à sens unique.Andrés Goldberg - 2019 - Cahiers Philosophiques 1:59.
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    El nominalismo de Guillermo de Ockham como filosofía del lenguaje.Teodoro De Andres - 1969 - Madrid: Editorial Gredos.
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    The Problem of Inclusion in Deliberative Environmental Valuation.Andrés Vargas, Alex Lo, Michael Howes & Nicholas Rohde - 2017 - Environmental Values 26 (2):157-176.
    The idea of inclusive collective decision-making is important in establishing democratic legitimacy, but it fails when citizens are excluded. Stated-preference methods of valuation, which are commonly used in economics, have been criticised because the principle of willingness to pay may exclude low-income earners who do not have the capacity to pay. Deliberative valuation has been advocated as a way to overcome this problem, but deliberation may also be exclusive. In this review, two deliberative valuation frameworks are compared. The first is (...)
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    On the Meeting of the Moral and the Aesthetic in Literary Education.Andrés Mejía & Silvia Eugenia Montoya - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 51 (2):370-386.
    For millennia it has been discussed whether literature appropriately can or should be used in education for a moral purpose. Taking as a premise that it can actually be educative and not merely moralising, we tackle the case made against such use, based on the claim that it would be perverting the aesthetic nature of literature as a form of art, as it would be instrumentalised. Given that this claim is based on a dichotomy between an aesthetically educative approach and (...)
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    Toward a Reasons-First View of Normative Background Conditions.Andrés G. Garcia & Jakob Green Werkmäster - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (3):981-992.
    Background conditions are thought to explain how objects can have value in virtue of certain features and how reasons can consist in certain facts. The following paper provides an account of what background conditions are and what effect they have on normative features. It defends the idea that if values depend on reasons, then there is nothing really surprising or mysterious about the presence of background conditions in normative explanations. Background conditions turn out to be a natural and predictable result (...)
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  43. Dimensiones dialéctica y retórica de la argumentación en el Gorgias de Platón.Andrés Badenes - 2004 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 9:55-72.
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    La doctrina platónica Del Alma en el diálogo el fedón.Andrés Suzzarini Baloa - 2006 - Dikaiosyne 9 (17).
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  45. La poesía de Carlos Fajardo Fajardo. Secuelas del mito.Andrés Burgos Bohórquez - 2008 - Logos (La Salle) 13:129-135.
    El siguiente texto aborda la poesía de Carlos Fajardo Fajardo, cuya obra sólida, rigurosa y de estupenda factura, lo sitúa entre uno de los poetas más representativos de la actual poesía colombiana. El texto muestra las constantes poéticas de Fajardo, sus propuestas estéticas e influencias, rastreando la sugerente lucidez y la exquisita sensibilidad que habitan en sus poemas.
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    Toward a Black Radical Critique of Natality.Andrés Fabián Henao Castro - 2022 - Critical Philosophy of Race 10 (1):90-105.
    In this article I criticize Hannah Arendt's concept of natality as unable to confront the ways in which racial capitalism links the biopolitical cultivation of natality to the necropolitical natal alienation that is structural to modern slavery. I base this argument in an understanding of social death as the production of racial capitalism, one that gives slavery an aftermath, post-abolition, which continues to dispossess Black and brown people of their capacity to begin something anew via their inclusion into juridical personhood. (...)
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  47. El liberalismo autoritario hegeliano o Hegel entre Hobbes y Schmitt.andrés Jiménez Colodrero - 2009 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 35 (2):363-386.
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    El Derecho y la confianza.Andrés García Inda - 2023 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 48:47-70.
    ¿Cuál es la relación entre Derecho y confianza? ¿y cómo puede el Derecho favorecer la confianza social “adecuada”? El libro de Tommaso Greco sobre La legge della fiducia ofrece una respuesta a tales cuestiones y propone una revisión del “maquiavelismo jurídico”, entendido como el paradigma jurídico clásico. En este trabajo, a partir de la lectura de dicha obra, se plantean algunas reflexiones sobre dicha relación y se hace una crítica del planteamiento “principialista” del autor.
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    La violencia de las formas jurídicas: la sociología del poder y el derecho de Pierre Bourdieu.Andrés García Inda - 1997 - Barcelona: Cedecs.
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    Indeterminacy, Uselessness, and Abstraction. Problems Posed by Teleological Theories of Mental Content.Andrés L. Jaume - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (152):35-52.
    RESUMEN La teleosemántica es el intento de naturalizar el contenido mental mediante el recurso al concepto de función biológica. En el presente artículo se argumenta que la teleosemántica carece de los recursos necesarios para hacer frente a tres problemas: la indeterminación del contenido, el carácter abstracto de este y la inutilidad biológica de algunas de las representaciones que pueden albergar organismos como los humanos. ABSTRACT Teleosemantics is the attempt to naturalize mental content by resorting to the concept of biological function. (...)
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